6 Ways to Promote a Woman-Owned Business

At Lena Designs Studio, I work to empower female business owners with bespoke creative consultation services that cover all aspects of building a brand. And one of the most common questions people ask me is, “How can I promote my woman-owned business?”. 

As a creative design consultant, I proudly design and develop winning brands supported by the right strategies that can make beautiful visuals into powerful communicators. Once we finish working together, it’s time to put your brand to work. Here are six effective ways to promote a business without breaking the bank.

A woman adjusting a ring light and call phone in the background, with text that reads "6 ways to promote a woman-owned business in 2022".

1. Be a Part of the Community

There is a thriving community of female entrepreneurs cultivating a sense of camaraderie. By participating in this community, women can join forces to create an environment that fosters success. The female entrepreneurship community is thriving, and you may be already connected online and in real life with someone who can provide invaluable insight into your business or brand. The mutually beneficial collaboration opportunities can include skills trades, shoutouts on social media, or sharing advice. Either way, women supporting women in business can be very powerful.

2. Find PR Opportunities

Press coverage for your female-owned business does not have to be from women-led publications- the right coverage will open doors for your female-owned business. Furthermore, a great brand strategist (err, hi!) can help you gain clarity on what opportunities will align with your brand. Some of your most effective allies will be the women looking to inspire other women. Don’t be afraid to go straight to them and ask them to share your story on their platforms.

3. Create Quality Content

Social media and digital communications are brilliant outlets for drumming up interest in your brand from prospective consumers and PR opportunities alike. It’s essential to establish your authority and passion in your field so that people remember you as their go-to expert. You can share your knowledge in various content types, including blogs, vlogs, and infographics.

4. Use PPC

Organic and free advertising is excellent, but paid advertising is still the quickest route to success. One example of this type of campaign is “pay-per-click” (PPC). Your business can use your PPC campaign(s) to target your specific audience, which you should have determined when developing your brand strategy. With a bit of knowledge about your audience, you can make the most out of any advertising budget.

5. Use Offline Marketing

Offline marketing can be an excellent way to promote a woman-owned business. This can take many forms, from attending community events and networking functions to sponsoring local programs and charities. The key is to choose activities that align with the brand strategy to reach the target audience. For example, a woman-owned business specializing in health and wellness products would benefit from participating in health fairs and fitness events. Women-owned businesses can build awareness, create positive relationships, and ultimately drive sales by taking advantage of offline marketing opportunities.

6. Word of Mouth

Referrals remain one of the most powerful tools for promoting any business. The biggest compliment anyone can give a business is a word-of-mouth recommendation- asking friends and family to mention it is a great starting point. Some of the best referrals you can get, though, are from your clients who’ve had a great experience with you. You can also get online referrals by asking people who attend your networking groups if they know any of their clients interested in what you offer and offering reciprocal recommendations or incentives when someone takes advantage!

By focusing your efforts on the proper core marketing activities, you can generate more business with less effort. And this doesn’t require a large marketing budget either. It’s all about being strategic, leveraging your strengths, and ensuring that whatever route you go in promoting yourself aligns with your brand goals and values.

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Lena Gosik-Wolfe Brand Strategist and Designer
Lena Gosik-Wolfe, founder of Lena Designs Studio, is a passionate brand strategist and designer with a mission to empower female entrepreneurs to build impactful brands. Leveraging her 10 years of experience, she creates authentic, purpose-driven brands that elevate leadership presence and propel clients to success in a competitive market.
Content creator setting up ring light

6 Ways to Promote a Woman-Owned Business